
A Mix

Yesterday three of us girls crawled all over the Medina with three contacts, two girls and a guy. We drank mint tea on a terrace overlooking the Mediterranian. The mint tea here is three-quarters suger and one quarter mint leaf. I'm not sure where they fit the water in.

The guy was highly intelligent and spoke English very well, but all he knew about Americans he had learned from television. He seemed very willing to listen to us, though. Although he brushed off Christianity by saying his religion was the 'best'. How can you counter an arguement like that?

The girls were more interested in teaching us Arabic than discussing spiritual matters.

Never believe Nigerians if they say they only know one song and can't sing.

The guys are cooking lunch right now. Should we be scared?

Question of the day: What is this bird? Inquiring minds want to know.

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