

The oddest sound I have ever heard in an airport is clapping. What do you clap for in an airport? I was wandering around the Atlanta airport trying to decide which of the two million luggage pick up points my luggage was going to be coming to when I heard the beginning of a wave, a wave of a clapping and whistles and cheers. I paused my search and turned to see... a parade? Not a parade, but a line of soldiers led by a USO with a banner and as they passed people clapped.
And I clapped too.
We tend to forget our troops. They're not part of our daily lives. They're not something we think of. The war 'over there' has been pushed out of the news by celebrities and the elections. 9/11 is a blurry piece of history. It's all to far away from us and I include me in that us. That parade of soldiers reminded me that those soldiers are still out there. It isn't a time of peace and we shouldn't treat it like it is.

In other news, I'm safe and sound in Atlanta. I'm staying with a very nice family and attending a camp at Vision Baptist Church. They're great people, very enthusiastic and I feel right at home!

-- In Christ

1 comment:

Q said...

Good luck with the camp!