This is a jalopa, the national dress here. This is my souvenir for the trip.
My God Splits Moons
Did you know that Einstein went to the moon and discovered that at some point it had been split in half? Afterwards he exclaimed, "I must find the religion in which the moon was split in half!" He discovered it was Islam, converted instantly, and lived happily ever after!
At least, so one of my friends told me in a very sincere tone. Granted, her English isn't perfect and we already had her fairly confused. I hope she realizes that Einstein didn't really go to the moon.
We didn't try to argue with her. What she really wanted to know is: "Mohammed got God to split the moon. Did your Jesus do anything that left evidence?" A sort of 'my dad's taller than your dad' view of theology. At first we found her question discouraging. After all, Jesus never split the moon. (As if creating it in the first place wasn't enough.) But the more the other girls and I thought about it, the more we realized that our God doesn't need to split moons. Our God is a personal God. He's never flashy unless He needs to be. Splitting the moon serves no purpose. When Jesus was on earth He proved His deity and His mission by helping people, by healing and comforting, not by flexing His godly muscles. Now that He's gone He proves Himself the same way. Jesus proves Himself by taking drug-dealers and race car drivers and molding them into preachers and servants. He takes recluses and makes them missionaries. He turns wretches into His children.
If Islam did that than I wouldn't have shut my ears to the catcalls and comments of the men here. I wouldn't have to count my change every time I bought something. I wouldn't be afraid to walk by myself through the city at night. I wouldn't have to the cringe a little every September the 11th. Everyone here is a Muslim so if Islam changes lives like Christianity changes lives, there would be no War and everyone would want to live in the Middle East.
Her prophet Mohammed might have gotten God to split the moon. But my Jesus is the God that changes hearts.
Go with God
Friday's are frustrating here. Yesterday a few of the girls tried to go down to the shopping area of the city. It's really a good place to meet women without seeming like you're trying to talk to random people even though you are. But everything was closed! It was the middle of the afternoon and the streets were empty. Typically a few a places close in the afternoon, but not the entire city. But yesterday was Friday, the holy day here, and those that don't pray even once a day become suddenly religious when they can take an afternoon and legitimately goof off. Almost like Sunday in the U.S. of A.
Go with God
The Mission
If I told you where we were yesterday, I'd have to kill you.
This country has its jewels.
This is a rock with monkeys on it.
This is me high over the place I refuse to name.
Ice cream here is cryptic. It all comes in shades of brown. You can have reddish brown--that's caramel or orange-brown (peach) or cream (vanilla) or yellow brown (...anana? *shrug*) or green-brown (pistachio) and so on. But it makes up for its crypticness (no, that's not a word) by being very tasty.
They spelled it wrong.
A Mix

The guys are cooking lunch right now. Should we be scared?

Spider-man Rugs

The English Teacher
People here are generally very friendly. Especially if you tell them you're trying to learn about their culture and they delight in talking, talking, talking even if you can't understand a word they're saying. It's all the same to them.
Go with God

Go with God

And slept...

Over There
I'm in a net cafe so no pictures right, but later there will be many. Main thing is-I'm alive!
Go with God


Being in a religion with no hope of salvation, stuck in a repetitive cycle of prayers and rituals based on folklore, word of mouth, and a religion corrupted by centuries of selfishness and politics.
A Morrocan Meal
We ate Morrocan food for lunch, Morrocan style, which means we ate useing pieces of bread and our hands... our right hands. (I'm left-handed)
Try this: Sit down at a table and eat a meal without utensils with your weak hand.
It was good food, but hard to eat!

The Braves Won...

Vision Baptist
And I clapped too.
We tend to forget our troops. They're not part of our daily lives. They're not something we think of. The war 'over there' has been pushed out of the news by celebrities and the elections. 9/11 is a blurry piece of history. It's all to far away from us and I include me in that us. That parade of soldiers reminded me that those soldiers are still out there. It isn't a time of peace and we shouldn't treat it like it is.
In other news, I'm safe and sound in Atlanta. I'm staying with a very nice family and attending a camp at Vision Baptist Church. They're great people, very enthusiastic and I feel right at home!
-- In Christ